The issue that has been on everyone's mouth, was it ok for Louboutin to sue Yves Saint Laurent for using red sole?
I think that Louboutin could be outraged by the fact but unfairly. It is true that when we mention red sole we mean Louboutin's shoes, when we see photos of celebrities on red carpet we instantly think of our favorite French shoe designer but honestly, soles are parts of outer shell of the shoe. It would be like fighting over the fabric of the shoe or texture.
Christian Louboutin and his "trademark" red sole
Also considering the fact that YSL always has a specific shape of shoe I don’t think any respectable fashionista can mistake YSl “pallais” with Louboutin’s shoes beside in cases in which red sole was used in YSL’s designs was to match the rest of outer shell of the shoes, which is why I think that the lawsuit was unnecessary.
YSL "Palais" shoes
As for red sole trademark, I think we've seen a lot of non-Louboutin shoes with red sole. They are indeed knock offs but the shape is simple, classic it cannot be registered as trademark and louboutin cannot be against their production. I admit that we all associate red sole with only Louboutin and any other brand, and he was the only one who stick with red sole on every of his shoe. But let's be honest, the red sole was used as a part of a design far before we all hear about Christian louboutin, for instant it was worn by King Louis XIV in the 1600s and the ruby red shoes that carried Dorothy home in The Wizard of Oz.
on th left YSl, right Louboutin
On the other hand, Louboutin red is very specific (he was allowed to register Pantone-18 Chinese Red shade as his trademark) and easily recognizable, was it really necessary for ysl to use the exact shade?
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